Creating new appointment templates
1) First make sure that the organizer is set to be viewed in the schedule. This is the column on the right hand side that houses all the appointment templates. It is marked organizer on the top and has folders set up. If you do not see this, go up to view along the top tool bar of the schedule with file, edit, reports, daisy and help. Once you open the view menu be sure that there is a check mark next to organizer.
2) Then if you would like to create different templates for the Dr. and the hygienists then it is easiest to create separate folders for them.
To create a new folder highlight the folder titled Organizer, then right click and select New Folder, when you see the new folder appear at the bottom of the organizer, right click on it and select rename to customize the name to your liking.
3) Then to create the new appointment template you right click on the folder you would like the template to live in and select New Appointment.
4) A blank New Appointment window will appear, be sure to fill out what the description of the appointment is, example: Crown Prep, Prophy, Perio Maintinence, etc.
This is has been found to be the easiest way to tell at a glance what the template is for and also what procedures are attached to the appointment template. **Note** you will notice that there is also a search option next to the description. If you click on this you can see what daisy has as defaults as well as add your own descriptions to save and use later on if desired.
5) Then be sure to add the provider who will be performing the procedures, on the bottom left side there is an option for providers
Click on the green plus sign and then select from your providers which one will be attached to the appointment.
6) Then add the procedures you wish to set as default for this appointment, do this by clicking on the procedures tab, then right click in a blank area and select Add. Then either type the code if you know what it is or click on the box with three dots to search by description for the procedure code you wish to use.
Note: If you prefer to schedule using the treatment plan procedures you can either leave the procedure portion of the templates blank OR you can still add the procedures to the template and then remove them if scheduling a patient with a treatment plan.
Also, under the tab entitled Details, to leave the patient name portion blank and set to New Patient.
This will make it so that not one patient is automatically selected every time this template is used.
Reminder: Before you save and exit be sure that 2 things are filled out, the description (which also acts as the name for the template) and the provider. Daisy will prompt you to add these prior to saving.
Editing an existing appointment template.
- To edit an existing appointment template find the folder that it lives in and double click on the appointment to open it.
- Make the desired changes either to the description, performing provider, etc. Or add anything that you would like on the appointment. Then click save and exit.
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