Navigating the Account Screen
The account screen reflects information relevant to an account. An account must contain:
Guarantor: The person who is financially responsible for an account and whose name appears on the statement.
Patient: The person who receives treatment.
And, if an Insurance Coverage is assigned to the Account:
Subscriber: The person who carries the insurance coverage.
- The Guarantor section contains information pertaining to whom and where the statement is sent. This information can be edited by right clicking next to the name and using the edit (hand and paper) icon only to change the address/phone numbers.
- *(Note: When changing the guarantor, right click in the Guarantor section and choose Select Guarantor on Account.) Do not change the name of the guarantor in the personal edit screen. This will also change a person’s identity.
- The Insurance Coverage section stores insurance company ID, insurance company, insurance plan name, subscriber, subscriber ID and group number.Edit, add, the insurance coverage by using the edit, plus icon.To remove insurance from an account open the coverage and click on File, Delete, Coverage.
Account Screen Tabs
The following five tabs make up the account screen:
- Financial Information: Reflects the Account Aging status and payment history.
- General: Reflects the assigned provider, statement messages, account notes and assigned fee schedule.The General tab also provides various account options including the sending of statements, applying financial charges or designating an account for collections.Remember that you can send a Quick Statement from the General tab!
- Patient: Lists all patients belonging to the account.Use your patient icon to go directly to the patient screen.
- Financial Arrangement: Select New to create a financial arrangement.Filling in the requested fields will result in a personalized financial arrangement, once Calculate is chosen.Statements will indicate both the true account balance and the financial arrangement payment due. Print the financial arrangement by selecting Reports and Financial Arrangement Summary (with or without insurance).
- Statement: Reflects account balances at each statement cutoff, if the account received a statement, and statement type (Excluding consecutive credit balances and zero balances).Right clicking on a statement allows you to view that statement the patient received.
Account Quick Access Buttons
Remember to use the icons located at the top of the account screen to navigate to other Daisy screens. Resting your cursor on an icon will indicate its feature.
Menu Bar
Use the menu bar (File, Edit, View, Reports, Tools, and Help) to navigate in Daisy. The most commonly used include:
- Edit Reassign patient Coverage.
- ViewTransactions, ledger and, claims history.
- ReportPrint an account ledger or financial arrangement.
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