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Managing Collection Accounts


This method keeps the Collection amounts in the Doctor’s A/R, under a special Collections Provider.

Before you begin, make sure you have an Adjustment Type named Collection Agency Fee in Lists, adjustment types 

If you do not, please use the following instructions:

Creating New Adjustment Types:


  1. Select Daisy, configure, List Maint and the Simple List Selection of Adjustment Types.
  2. Right click in the list below and “add an Item”.
  3. Type Collection Agency Fee in the new line. Save and close.

Changing the Account Information:


  1. Add a new provider in Daisy, Configure, Providers.(Dr Name) Collections.
  1. Open the account, and then choose the General Tab, and change the Account Options to Collection Account.
  2. Change the Provider to the new Collections provider.

Set up a Report in the Report Gallery for Easy Collection Account Reporting:

  1. Open the Report Gallery, right click in a blank area and choose New then Folder.
  1. Open the New Folder, right click and choose Properties. Highlight New Folder and type Collection Accounts.
  2. Open Collection Accounts, right click and choose New, then Report.
  3. Type Account Aging and click OK.
  4. Right Click on this Account Aging Icon and choose Properties.
  5. Change Account Provider to say “Is Equal To (Dr. Collection)”.
  6. Change Collection Account? To say “is Equal to YES”, click Apply, then click OK.
  7. Print this report at any time: right click on the icon and choose Print.

Posting a Payment from a Collection Agency:

  1. Enter an adjustment using Collection Agency Fee to adjust off the amount the collection agency kept (use a minus).
  2. Post a payment for the amount of the check received from the collection agency.

For Example:

The patient sends the collection agency $100.00. The collection agency keeps $40.00 and sends your office $60.00:

Subtract the Collection Agency Fee = $-40.00 (use a minus).

Subtract the Payment = $60.00 (payments automatically subtract).



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