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Claim History:

DAISY drop-down menu—Account—Claim History

Default filter:

Claim History opens to a pre-filtered (default) screen that includes all patients. It also includes all New, Pending, and Open claims. The Claim History default screen does not display Preauths.

Modifying the filter:

  1. Claim History screen will always open with the default filter settings
  2. Claim Status—click in claim status boxes to select/deselect options as applicable
  3. Claim Type—click in claim type boxes to select/deselect options as applicable
  4. Date Filter—click on the arrow to change type of date filter if applicable
  5. From/To—click on the arrows to select date range from calendars if applicable
  6. Filter By—click on the arrow to select option to filter by if applicable
  7. Currently Selected—click on the magnifying glass icon to specify individual filter by option
  8. Billing Provider—click on the arrow to select a specific billing provider if applicable
  9. Routing—click on the arrow to select specific routing option (Send or Print) if applicable
  10. Origin—click on the arrow to select specific origin option if applicable
  11. Click on the Apply button after selecting additional or different filter items and the list of claims will refresh according to the selected filters
  12. Click on the Reset button to return to the default filter settings


Filtering examples:

Outstanding Preauths

  1. Select New, Pending, and Open claim status
  2. Select Preauth claim type, then deselect Actual and Convert
  3. Click on the Apply button

Claims on Hold

  1. Select Hold claim status, then deselect New, Pending, and Open
  2. Click on the Apply button

Modifying the sort:

  1. Click on a column Header to sort the displayed claims in order according to that column (ie; A to Z)
  2. Click on the same column Header again to reverse the sort (ie; Z to A)
  3. Selected sort order will save by user and by computer when exiting DAISY


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