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Account Options:

Send Statements—Indicates that a statement will be sent if there is a balance on the account 

Finance Charges—Indicates that finance charge/rebill fee applies to the account balance as designated for the practice 

Collection Messages—Indicates that default messages set up for the practice will be included on any account statement

Note: If Send Statements is deselected, Collection Messages will automatically deselect

Print Stmt Estimates—Indicates account statements will include the estimated patient balance as well as the full account balance if this option is turned on for the practice 

Collection Account—Indicates that the account has been turned over to a collection agency 

Medicaid Account—Indicates Medicaid will be billed, no patient billing 

Request QuickStatement—Indicates that an account statement is to be generated during the next Daily Closing process 

Statement Reviewed—Indicates that the account has been reviewed in preparation for the next Monthly Closing process


Changing the Account Options on an Account:

  1. Open the appropriate Account screen
  2. Click on the General tab
  3. Click on the appropriate checkbox(s) in the Account Options section to select/deselect the options that apply to the account Note: Selecting Collection Account or Medicaid Account will cause all other Account Options to automatically deselect
  4. Save the changes to the account


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