Faster claims processing puts money back into your practice sooner
When your dental practice receives claim payments faster, that gives a big boost to your bottom line. DAISY’s claims features save you time by automating lengthy tasks, and they bring money back into your dental practice sooner.
DAISY makes it easy for your dental practice to submit electronic claims for processing. In addition, DMC will process your paper claims for you — printing and mailing the paperwork, so you don’t have to.
To get more information on claims processing from DMC request your free DAISY demo today.
Real-time eligibility
You can dramatically reduce the time your office staff spends checking patient eligibility and dental benefits information. DAISY’s real-time eligibility feature shows whether a patient is eligible for a procedure prior to treatment.
An all-payer solution, DAISY has access to insurance companies and third-party payers nationwide. That makes it even easier to send claims electronically, which means faster processing and faster payment.
Claims submission
At the end of the day, your office staff simply initiates the transfer of claims information through DAISY. DMC processes all electronic claims and completes the paperwork for non-electronic claims. As a result, your dental practice can reduce labor costs by eliminating paperwork and freeing up staff from the time-consuming tasks of stuffing, sorting and stamping mail.
Payments received
DMC uses direct connections to major insurance companies to receive electronic remittance advice and payment for claims. Leveraging these channels means that your claims go through faster, and your dental practice receives payments sooner.
Get paid faster with claims processing from DMC
With DAISY you get more than just software and practice management services. You get top-ranked customer support for life. Request a free demonstration to learn more about which DAISY features and DMC services are likely to have the biggest impact on your overhead, productivity and profit.