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Changing a Subscriber on an Insurance Coverage:

  1. From the Account screen, open the Insurance Coverage you need to change.
  2. In the Coverage screen, select the Subscriber tab.
  3. Right-click in the “Subscriber” information area and choose “Select Subscriber for Coverage” from the menu.
  4. Browse for new Subscriber’s name and select the one you want.
  5. If the subscriber is not yet entered into Premier, click on the New Subscriber button in the lower left corner to create one.
  6. Save and close the personal information screen when you are finished adding, editing, and/or verifying the information.


Viewing or Changing Patient Relationships on this Coverage:


  1. To list all patients under this particular coverage, (in the Coverage Screen), click on the Patients tab.
  2. To change a patient’s relationship to the subscriber, click on the Relationship field of the patient in question, click on the drop-down arrow, and make the appropriate choice. Do this for each patient, as necessary, depending on the situation.


  1. Click the Edit button and choose Reassign Patient Coverage.
  2. After you have made your changes, save and close the Coverage screen.


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