Medical History
- A Medical History button appears to the right of the Patient Details button. A paperclip is on the button to indicate that a medical history is present for the patient.
- When clicking the Medical History button, the patient’s most recent medical history based on entry date will display. If patient does not have an existing medical history, a new medical history can be created.
- Any medical histories entered previous to 4.4 will be connected to the Medical History button and the paperclip will appear.
- In Patient History, new Display Options are available:
- Medical History checkbox when selected will filter for Patient Medical History.
- Medical Info button was added that will filter view for medical related notes such as Medical History, RX/MEDS and Medical Alerts.
- Clinical Notes button does not include Medical History, RX/MEDS or Medical Alert notes.
Online Patient Medical History
- In Detail screen, an access code is used to provide a patient access to their Clinical Note, typically a medical history form, on a device. The Clinical Note can be updated by the patient. At the bottom of the Clinical Note is the “Submit” button. When clicked, the updated form is sent to Daisy and is located in Patient History with the status of “Received”.
- In the DAISY Detail screen under the Tools drop down menu, “Allow Patient Access” will create a code to be used by the patient to access their existing medical history and submit it to DAISY online.
- The code has an expiration date and time that can be changed by the user and defaults to 11:59 pm on the same date.
- The access code can be copied to the clipboard by right-click menu option.
- The access codes are random, and not in numeric order.
- In DAISY Details screen, Allow Patient Access menu has 4 options:
- New Form with Prior Responses
- New Blank Form
- Existing Form for Revision
- None
- To change the Allow Patient Access option, user must click an unchecked item.
- The Patient Access box has a fly-over hint that tells user what kind of form the patient is being given access to (i.e. New Blank Form, New Form with Prior Responses, etc.).
- In the Detail Screen, allowing patient access prompts the user to save edits, when either on a new Detail form or when there have been any modifications. This creates a Clinical Note for the patient to access.
- When creating a new Medical History, the user can choose the detail template that has the “Medical History” indicator in the detail template properties.
- Once the detail form is received, the original blank clinical note will be removed.
- The access code on a Detail can be revoked.
- The code can be revoked by going to the Tools drop down menu and un-checking the “Allow Patient Access”.
- When deleting a Detail form, the access code will be automatically revoked.
- When the patient submits the Detail form, the access code will be revoked.
- On a Detail form, once an access code has been created, it can be entered on a device for patient access to their form.
- The online detail form is based on the template with the same name.
- If there are changes to a detail template, the fields with data may not bring forward to the new detail due to the mapping of data.
- New fields in a template that were not in the detail note will appear blank on the online detail form.
- Deleted fields in a template that were on a detail note will not display the data that was entered previously.
- Renamed fields in a template will not bring forth the data that was entered previously since it may no longer apply to the item name.
- Moved fields in a template will bring forth the data only when the tab name, item name and add order on the tab is matching the detail note.
- The patient access is not available on a detail note that doesn’t have a matching template, either because it has been renamed or deleted.
- JavaScript must be enabled on the device so that the patient can submit the online form to the office.
- Detail forms are not cached in the web browser.
- The device must be set up by a DMC representative with the shortcut to the online forms webpage.
- This must be connected to the office database.
- Entering a valid access code in the home page and clicking “Submit” will open the Detail form for the patient.
- User cannot pass the home page until after entering a valid code.
- If an invalid code is entered on the home page, a message will appear “The access code ABCXY is invalid or expired. Please enter the correct code or request a new code from your dental office.”
- The online detail form will display the practice name and contact information in the entry form header.
- The signature field can be cleared by the patient by clicking the Reset button.
- The Detail form can be completed or updated by the patient. When done, click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the form.
- The patient will be sent to the exit page and a message will display “Thank you for submitting your form.”
- This message displays for 8 seconds then automatically resets to the home page.
- The Detail form will appear in Patient History (click refresh if needed) with a status of “Received”.
- In the Detail screen, a “Received” clinical note will change to “Ready for Review” status when saved.
- Clinical Notes that have been received through the web service now have “Added By Patient” or "Modified By Patient".
Patient Medical History through DAISY Forms Anywhere (DFA)
- In Practice Configuration, the practice’s website is stored to be used as the exit page for online medical history submission.
- In Practice Configuration, a checkbox “Enable online forms” can only be checked/unchecked by a DMC representative to ensure feature contract is in place between DMC and client.
- In Provider Configuration, enter the practice email address for each account provider.
- Entering an email address for each account provider is the best practice for the use of DAISY Forms Anywhere.
- The format of the email address is validated.
- If an email address is not entered in the Provider configuration, the email that the patient will receive will be from
- in Personal Info. screen, the status indicated next to the DAISY Forms Anywhere label indicates if the patient can receive online forms and has set up their passphrase.
- There are four statuses: Unsent, Sent, Subscribed, and Unsubscribed.
- After entering the patient’s email address, click the email button to send the email with a link to the patient to agree to the Terms and Conditions and set their passphrase and hint.
- A confirmation message will display letting user know that an email was sent to the patient to set their passphrase.
- If DAISY fails to send the link to the patient’s email address (internet or DMCMobile is down), a message will display “Error: Email to set the passphrase could not be generated.”
- This is different than if an email bounces for an invalid email address. If the email bounces, a notification will be in your provider’s email inbox.
- The patient must have set their passphrase in order to receive forms through DFA, and therefore Subscribed to the service.
- The first time a patient clicks link to set their passphrase, a passphrase and hint must be created by the patient.
- The subject of the email will be “Set your passphrase for <dental practice name>”.
- The email message will explain to the patient the reason of creating a passphrase, and to retain the information in a secure location.
- The passphrase will need to be entered each time the patient accesses their online medical history form from outside of the office.
- Next to the link is the expiration date and time of when the link will expire, seven days from when the email was sent to the patient. If the link is expired, the patient will not be able to set their passphrase and a new set passphrase email must be sent to the patient.
- The first time patient sets their passphrase, the patient will be presented a webpage that has the Terms and Conditions. The patient must review the Terms and Conditions and click the “I Agree” button at the bottom of the page to proceed.
- All fields are required: - Patient DOB
The DOB entry is limited to 3 attempts for security
- Passphrase (created by patient)
- Hint (created by patient)
The eForm includes a help button with instructions for the patient in setting up their passphrase and hint, link to Terms and Conditions, link to Privacy Policy, and “Forgot your pass phrase” link.
- The set passphrase link will expire in 7 days from current date.
- If the link is expired and the patient uses the expired link to attempt to set their passphrase, the patient will see a message “The passphrase could not be set.”
- Once the passphrase is set, the link will automatically expire.
- If the patient clicks on “Forgot your passphrase button” the link will expire the next calendar day.
- User can generate a new set passphrase email from Personal Info. screen if patient wants an active link.
- If patient forgets their passphrase, it can be reset either by clicking the “Forgot your passphrase” link, or by calling the office and resetting it in Person screen.
- Reset passphrase for patient by opening Person screen/Tools and select “Email Link to Set Passphrase”.
- Patient must enter their date of birth, and a new email will be generated and received by patient that allows them to create a new passphrase and hint.
- Resetting the passphrase can be done without a passphrase already being created (the “Can receive DAISY Forms Anywhere” checkbox is unchecked).
- Patient will receive an email when their passphrase has been reset.
- When the passphrase is successfully created, a message will appear “The Passphrase was successfully set. You will receive an email when your form is ready to access.”
- The patient will receive a confirmation email with “Passphrase Confirmation” as the subject.
- Any details that have an access code before the set passphrase email is sent to the patient will be automatically sent to the patient once they set their passphrase. The steps are as follows:
- User looks at a medical history detail and it needs to be updated by the patient.
- User creates an access code on the medical history.
- Since the email button to send the access code email is not enabled, user knows that patient is not opted in to DAISY Forms Anywhere.
- User clicks on the Patient/Personal Information screen and an email address is present.
- User clicks on the DAISY Forms Anywhere email button and sends the set passphrase email to the patient.
- When patient sets their passphrase, the access code email will be automatically sent to patient.
- The access code expiration will be advanced by 7 days.
- In a medical history detail note when the access code has been created, the user can “Send Email”. This will send an email with a link, including the access code, which is sent to the patient to open their form. The email is created by:
- Right click on the access code and click “Email Form”.
- Email button is located next to Access Code on Detail.
- Under Tools, click Email Form.
- After selecting to send the access code email to the patient, the user can enter a personal message to the patient. The message should be directly related to the form.
- The message is optional.
- The user can choose a canned text to enter in to the field.
- The message will display within the email content, in its own paragraph.
- Clicking “Yes” will send the email.
- When the access code email is generated, a confirmation message will display letting user know that an email was sent to the patient.
- The access code expiration automatically changes to 7 days after email sent to patient. If the access code is expired, and user sends the email, an error message will display “Error: Invitation email not sent. Possibly the access code has expired, or the patient is no longer opted in to DAISY Forms Anywhere.”
- A confirmation message will display confirming the email status as either sent or failed.
- The email message received by patient will include the following:
- Mail To: destination patient email address.
- The subject will reference the Practice name.
- Salutation is the patient name.
- Body of message will have provider name.
- The access code (with yellow background) and expiration date.
- A link to the form displays “Please click here to access your form.”
- Bottom of message will have the Practice name, Provider address, phone and email.
- Uses the patient’s preferred account provider statement address and phone number.
- Practice URL will display.
- If a patient enters the wrong access code or passphrase, a message will appear in red alerting patient. The patient is limited to 5 attempts for access code and 5 attempts for the passphrase.
- Once the access code and passphrase are successfully entered, the patient clicks the “Proceed” button to display their form.
- The form will automatically log out the patient if idle (no mouse/keyboard activity on web form).
- After 15 minutes idle, the user will get a warning message that their connection will timeout in 5 minutes.
- After another 5 minutes idle, the web browser is automatically navigated to log out landing page. The message “Session expired due to inactivity” will display.
- When a patient is completing their form, and the patient navigates backward, the access code and passphrase will not be displayed in entry field (does not cache the access code or passphrase).
- The web pages to create a passphrase and enter the access code to open a form contain links to the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.
- There is a statement next to the clickable button on each web page that tells the patient that by using the service, they are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.
- The patient can unsubscribe to DAISY Forms Anywhere by clicking on the link “unsubscribe” on the confirm passphrase email and the access code email.
- Patient must enter their DOB and passphrase to unsubscribe.
- Patient will receive an email confirming that they have unsubscribed from DAISY Forms Anywhere.
- Provider will receive an email with the patient name that they have unsubscribed (provider configuration must have an email address for the account provider in order to receive the email).
- In the Patient/Personal Information screen, the DAISY Forms Anywhere will state “Unsubscribed” with the date the patient unsubcribed from the service.
- The user can unsubscribe a patient from DAISY Forms Anywhere by going to the Personal Information screen, right click on the DAISY Forms Anywhere status and select “Unsubscribe from DAISY Forms Anywhere”.
- When clicked, a warning dialog displays “Unsubscribing the patient from DAISY Forms Anywhere requires the patient to re-subscribe if they want to receive forms online. Continue?"
- Select either “Yes” or “No”.
- Click Save.
Note: If the access code is not created before sending the set passphrase email, the access code email will not be sent once the access code expires (the next day). Therefore, unless a patient creates their passphrase on the same date that the access code was created, it will not be sent. The rule of thumb- the system cannot generate an access code that isn’t present at the time the set passphrase email is sent.
DAISY Forms Anywhere patient status
- A patient’s DAISY Forms Anywhere is one of four statuses:
- Unsent: The patient has not been emailed the set passphrase email
- Sent: The patient has been sent the set passphrase email
- Subscribed: The patient has set their passphrase and can use the DFA service
- Unsubscribed: The patient has unsubscribed from the DFA service
- A patient’s DAISY Forms Anywhere status displays on the following screens:
- Person
- Patient Screen
- Patient History
- Appointment Notes Review
- Appointment Confirmation
- Appointment Followup
- Appointment List Report (R3002) - “Unsent” status will not display on the report.
- Added filters for “DFA Status” and “DFA Timestamp” to Appointment List report R3002 in report gallery. - The DAISY Forms Anywhere Access Codes report tracks access codes on details.
- The report is in the Report Gallery in the Patient folder.
- The report can be accessed from Schedule in the Reports drop down menu.
- The report displays:
- Patient name
- Primary phone number
- Next appointment date
- Form with the access code
- Access code
- Access code expiration
- The report can be filtered by:
- Next appointment date
- Patient name
- Form name
- Form expiration date
- The Security Log report tracks eForms activity:
- eForm web services user is eFormSvc.
- Events tracked are Access Granted, Access Denied (invalid access code), Access Denied (disallowed client IP).
- The Activity Log report tracks patient access to eForms:
- Report displays when a pass phrase has been assigned/cleared/changed.
- Will indicate the user as “Patient”.
- Provides information regarding sending an email to a patient:
- When email was sent.
- DAISY user who sent the email.
- Patient name.
- Email address where message was sent.
- Detail name and ID of the medical history form.
- Access code.